Effects of local application of the ankaferd blood stopper on osseointegration in three different surface titanium implants

Göster/ Aç
Özcan, Erhan CahitGül, Mehmet
Dündar, Serkan
Bozoğlan, Alihan
Karasu, Necmettin
Bal, Ali
Güneş, Nedim
Bingül, Muhammet Bahattin
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Ozcan, E. C., Gul, M., Dundar, S., Bozoglan, A., Karasu, N., Bal, A., ... & Bingul, M. B. (2021). Effects of local application of the ankaferd blood stopper on osseointegration in three different surface titanium implants. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research, 11(4), 524-528.Özet
Objective: Researchs of the effects of ankaferd blood stopper (ABS) on bone healing metabolism have revealed that
it affects bone regeneration positively. The exact mechanism by which this positive effect on bone tissue metabolism is not known. The aim of this study is to biomechanic and biochemical analysis of the effects of the local
ABS application on osseointegration of 3 different surfaced titanium implants.
Material & Methods: Spraque dawley rats were divided machined surfaced (MS) (n ¼ 10), sandblasted and large
acid grid (SLA) (n ¼ 10) and resorbable blast material (RBM) (n ¼ 10) surfaced implants. ABS applied locally
during the surgical application of the titanium implant before insertion in bone sockets. After 4 weeks experimental period the rats sacrificed and implants with surrounding bone tissues were removed to reverse torque
analysis (Newton), blood samples collected to biochemical analysis (ALP, calcium, P)
Results: Biomechanic bone implant contact ratio detected higher in SLA surfaced implants compared with the RBM
and controls (P < 0,05). Phosphor levels detected lower in RBM implant group compared with the controls and
SLA (P < 0,05). Additionally; phosphor levels detected highly in controls compared with the RBM implants.
Conclusion: According the biomechanical parameters ABS may be more effective in SLA and RBM surfaced implants when locally applied.