AMAÇ: Travmaya bağlı olmayan ayak ampütasyonlarının yarısından fazlası diyabetik hastalarda görülmektedir. Bu çalışmadaki amacımız, son yıllarda kullanımı artan negatif basınçlı yara kapama cihazı (NBYT) uygulamasının diyabetik ayaklı hastaların tedavisinde kullanım sonuçlarını değerlendirmektir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Diyabetik ayak yarası nedeni ile takip edilen 40 hastanın 20 tanesi debridman ve pansuman ile (NBYT-), 20 tanesi ise Basınçlı Yara Kapama cihazı ve debridman(NBYT+) ile takip edilmiştir. BULGULAR: NBYT(+) gruptaki hastaların Wagner evrelemesine göre; 2'si evre 2, 8’i evre 3, 9 ‘u evre 4 ve 1'i evre 5 idi. Pedis evresine göre 10’u evre 3, 1’i evre 4 idi. NBYT(-) grupta ise Wagner evrelemesine göre: 4’ evre 2, 7’si evre 3, 8’i evre 4 ve 1’i evre 5 idi. NBYT + hastaların 16’sına debridman, 3’üne ampütasyon, 3’üne (epidermal growth factor) EGF uygulaması yapılmıştır. NBYT(-) hastaların 14 ‘üne debridman, 7’sine ampütasyon uygulanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada NBYT uygulanan hastalarda, uygulanmayan hastalara göre yaş, cinsiyet, hastane yatış süresi ve yara boyutu açısından anlamlı farklılık bulundu (p<0.05). SONUÇ: NBYT’nin yatış süresini ve ampütasyon oranını azalttığı görülmüştür. Bu konuyla ilgili daha geniş prospektif ,randomize, multidisipliner çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. OBJECTIVE: More than half percent of nontraumatic foot amputation seen on diabetic patients. Our aim in this study is to evaluate the use of negative pressure wound closure device (NBYT), which has been used in recent years, in the treatment of patients with diabetic foot. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 40 patients who were followed for diabetic foot wound was divided into two group. 20 patients were followed-up with debridement and dressing (NBYT-) and 20 patients with vacuum assisted closure system and debridement (NBYT +). RESULTS: According to the Wagner classification of patients with NBYT; 2 were in stage 2, 8 were stage 3, 9 were stage 4 and 1 was stage 5. According to Pedis classification 10 were stage 3, 1 were stage 4. In the NBYT (-) group according to Wagner classification 4 patients were stage 2, 7 were stage 3, 8 were stage 4 and 1was stage 5. Debridement was performed on 16 of NBYT + patients, amputation was performed on 3, and epidermal growth factor (EGF) was applied on 3. Fourteen of NBYT (-) patients were debrided and 7 were amputated. There was a statistically significant difference in terms of hospitalization duration and wound size according to the patients who were applied NBYT (p <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: NBYT has been shown to reduce the length of hospitalization and amputation rate. More extensive prospective, randomized, multidisciplinary studies are needed on this topic.