Spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage: Case report: Spinal subaraknoid hemoraji: Olgu sunumu
Dear Editor,
A 70-year-old female patient was seen three days after
hospitalization to the neurology ward with a transverse myelitis
pre-diagnosis based on the spinal magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) performed in another center (Figure 1). Her symptoms of
lumbar and back pain had initiated 5 days ago and then weakness
in legs were added. The patient was admitted to our clinic after
her clinical status worsened and diffuse spinal subdural hematoma
and subtle spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) between T1-
T11 levels were detected in contrast-enhancing spinal MRI
(Figure 2). In a neurologic examination, she was paraplegic, she
had urinary and fecal incontinence, and deep tendon reflexes of
lower extremities (patella and achilles reflexes) were decreased.