Yazar "Gürel, Gülhan" için listeleme
Can chronic spontaneous urticarial produce symptoms of neuropathic pain?
Gürel, Gülhan; Saçmacı, Hikmet (Elsevier España, 2023)Background: Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is a condition that is associated with recurrent pruritic hives and/or angioedema lasting for more than 6 weeks and is known to affect 1% of the population. Neuropathic pain ... -
A case of pediatric psoriasis achieving remission after allogenic bone marrow transplantation
Güler, Dilara; Gürel, Gülhan; Yalçın, Gülsüm Şeyma; Eker, İbrahim; Durusu, İrem Nur; Özdemir, Çiğdem; Vural, Özge (Hacettepe Medical Center, 2021)Background. Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease in which the cells and molecules of innate and adaptive immunity are involved in the pathogenesis. Aplastic anemia is a bone marrow deficiency syndrome that is characterized ... -
[A case of pityriasis lichenoides chronica in a patient with COVID-19 infection]
Durusu, İrem Nur; Gürel, Gülhan; Tokyol, Çiğdem (Elsevier España, 2022)Lapitiriasisliquenoidecrónica(PLC)esunaenfermedadcutáneainfrecuentequesecaracterizaporpápulaseri-tematosasdecolormarrón-rojizodeprogresiónlentaconescamascentrales.AunquesehanreportadoalgunoscasosdePLCjuntoconenfermedades ... -
Cutaneous tuberculosis induced by adalimumab
Gürel, Gülhan; Özdemir, Çiğdem; Durusu, İrem Nur (Wiley, 07.04.2022)Dear Editor, Adalimumab (Humira®, AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, IL, USA) is a fully human monoclonal antibody specific for tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) that is approved for the treatment of moderate-to-severe hidradenitis ... -
Effect of systemic isotretinoin therapy on semen parameters
Gürel, Abdullah; Gürel, Gülhan; Fırat, Fatma; Özgül, Esra; Durusu Türkoğlu, İrem Nur; Aladağ, Tuğçe; Duran, İbrahim Baran; Baylan, Burhan (Informa Healthcare, 2023)Purpose: Vitamin A has multiple functions in the human body, being involved in growth, epithelial differentiation, vision, immune function and reproduction. While normal spermatogenesis is influenced by several factors, ... -
Exacerbation of psoriasis following hydroxychloroquine in a patient with suspected COVID-19
Sultan Öncü, Işın Nur; Güler, Dilara; Gürel, Gülhan (Wiley, 2021)Dear Editor, The World Health Organization identified a novel coronavirus in city of Wuhan in China that caused diseases of COVİD-19. The virus spread very quickly and has to date resulted in the deaths of thousands of ... -
Kronik Hepatit C Enfeksiyonu, Siroz ve Diabetes Mellitusun Eşlik Ettiği Edinsel Reaktif Perforan Kollajenöz Olgusu
Durusu, İrem Nur; Gürel, Gülhan; Yalçın, Gülsüm Şeyma (Türkiye Klinikleri, 2021)T Edinsel reaktif perforan kollajenöz (ERPK), gövde ve ekstremitelerde bulunan, merkezinde keratotik tıkaçlar olan, kaşıntılı bir dizi göbekli papül ve nodülle karakterize nadir bir hastalıktır. ERPK’nin özellikle ... -
Pediyatrik Hastalarda Deri Biyopsilerinin Klinikopatolojik Korelasyonu
Çölgeçen, Emine; Şahin, Sevinç; Gürel, Gülhan; Aytekin, Betül (Galenos Yayınevi, 2020)Amaç: Pediyatrik yaş grubunda dermatolojik hastalıklar erişkinler ile karşılaştırıldığında farklı sıklıklarda görülmektedir. Deri biyopsileri dermatologlar tarafından ayırıcı tanıda sık kullanılmaktadır ve kesin tanı için ... -
Pityriasis Rosea in a Confirmed COVID-19 Pediatric Patient
Sultan Öncü, Işın Nur; Güler, Dilara; Gürel, Gülhan; Yalçın, Gülsüm Şeyma (Elsevier, 2021)On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization identified a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in the city of Wuhan in China that spread very quickly and has to date resulted in the deaths of thousands of people by causing ... -
Psoriasis and Its relationship with somatosensory amplification, health anxiety, and depression
Gürel, Gülhan; Öncü, Işın; Güler, Dilara; Durusu Türkoğlu, İrem Nur; Soylu, Seçil (CA : Cureus, Inc, 2023)Objective The present study investigates the relationship between psoriasis and diseases such as health anxiety, depression, and somatosensory amplification. Methods The participating patients (n=117, including 60 psoriasis ... -
The relationship of acne with somatosensory amplification, health anxiety, and depression levels
Öncü, Işın; Gürel, Gülhan; Akkoyun, Ayşe (Cureus, 2022)Objective The objective of this study is to evaluate the somatosensory amplification, as well as anxiety and depression levels in acne vulgaris (AV) patients, and to examine their relationship with disease severity. Methods ... -
Setuksimab ile İndüklenen Akneiform Erüpsiyon, Paronişi, Kserozis, Blefarit, Konjonktivit: İki Olgu Sunumu
Durusu, İrem Nur; Güler, Dilara; Gürel, Gülhan (Türkiye Klinikleri, 2021)Epidermal büyüme faktörü reseptör inhibitörleri (EBFR-İ), birçok solid organ malignitelerinde tedavide kullanımı nispeten yeni sayılabilecek bir grup ilaçlardır. Standart kemoterapi rejimleri replikasyon gösteren çoğu ... -
Un caso de pitiriasis liquenoide crónica en una paciente infectada por COVID-19
Durusu, İrem Nur; Gürel, Gülhan; Tokyol, Çiğdem (Elsevier, 28.09.2021)La pitiriasis liquenoide crónica (PLC) es una enfermedad cutánea infrecuente que se caracteriza por pápulas eri- tematosas de color marrón-rojizo de progresión lenta con escamas centrales. Aunque se han reportado algunos ... -
A very rare localization of a rare disease: palmar lichen nitidus
Durusu, İrem Nur; Güler, Dilara; Gürel, Gülhan; Yalçın, Gülsüm Şeyma (Elsevier, 24.11.2021)Lichen nitidus is an uncommon lichenoid dermatosis that could be defined as multiple, separated, shiny, pinpoint, pale to skin-colored papules. Palmoplantar lichen nitidus is a quite rare variant of lichen nitidus. It is ...